Most of us know that the definition
of Free Will is the power or ability of the human mind to choose a course of action or
make a decision without restraints imposed by Divine Intervention. But the belief that Free Will is not given freely
but is rather the result of pre-ordination has caused considerable debate for centuries. If a person is without true Free Will, he could
not be responsible for his or her actions. Calvinism
rejects the role of Free Will, maintaining that God foreordains certain souls to
damnation. There are those who find it
difficult to believe we have Free Will if God knows in advance what choices we will make. St Thomas Aquinas tells in his writings that
Gods omnipotence does not include the predetermination of human will. Some will argue if God already knows what roads we
will choose, our will ceases to be free. The
belief that Free Will is not given but is the result of pre-ordination causes strong
dispute even today. CatholicvView is
honored to have Fr Amaro Saumell address the issue of How Free is Free Will with
Gods Foreknowledge?
CatholicView: Father Amaro,
The Free Will Christians proclaim given by God is the ability to think and do
what we wish. What are your thoughts on this
Father Amaro: You know, one of the first heresies in the church was similar.
Its belief was that once you accepted Jesus, His sacrifice covered all your sins so you
could do as you please. The more one thinks about this, the more ludicrous it becomes. To
be a Christian is to know a continuing state of conversion. The whole concept of using our
free will is to use the gift of discernment to know good from evil. We have the ability to
participate with good or the absence of it (evil). Yet, our free will is impeded with the
inherited effects of original sin and must find conversion through our actions. We make
conscious changes in our lives. We can also make conscious changes in our thoughts. We can
choose to be perfected or infect ourselves with deeper imperfections. We often forget that
we have a head start by Gods teachings. Those commandments werent given to us
to merely boss us around. All of Gods commandments could be known as the
Ten Protections. It is through our own will that we participate with the
protection of ourselves and others. CatholicView: Does God pre-ordain what our choices will be and if so can we change this in any way?
Fr Amaro: First we
have to understand just what we mean by pre-ordain in the context of
predestination. Gods
providential care is just that
provided. Yet,
just like any gift, we have to act to receive it. In
other words, God has a plan for all creation. We
have the choice and free will to cooperate and be part of that plan or not to. This doesnt mean that our lives will be
perfect here if we do. There are many who
choose not to cooperate with His Will or simply choose not to.
CatholicView: If God knows the outcome of our
every action, why doesnt He intervene so that we choose wisely? Fr Amaro: We really need to understand a little metaphysics to really grasp this. We lie in creation. Creation is part and parcel of the environment that we call time and space. God created time and space. He is not confined to it (this will give you a headache if you think about it long enough). When we speak even in scripture of days or hours or moments, we only do it analogously because Gods day is not a time warp or measurable by our conceptions of such things. Those terms are used to give us a miniscule concept of His accomplishment. When God creates, He eternally knows the result. We are the ones who exist solely in time and space. We are discovering who we can be through our participation with what He provided. We know the judgment (not to be confused with sentencing) or result of our continued imperfection and that is death. God knows that some do not participate with what He has provided. He also knows the conversion of those who do. Through His Word God revealed Himself. That was His full intervention. He continues to intervene through those who participate with His plan. Thats us! CatholicView: For example, Jesus knew Judas would betray Him. Some say then that Judas could not help himself if Jesus knew he would be the betrayer. That he was chosen for this purpose makes him a victim of circumstance. Will God then punish him by denying him eternal life? Fr Amaro: Knowing that Judas would betray is far from God making him do it. Judas only encompassed us all in his decision. Remember, all the Apostles betrayed Christ in one way or another. They were just hopeful enough to stick around to receive forgiveness. Judas made a choice. God knows from His eternal place what we are just discovering as far as our actions are concerned. Judas was a victim of himself and his choices. His greatest sin was not so much what he did to Jesus as was his despair afterwards. Again if he had only learned from Jesus if he had only chosen to do so. But no, he gave up. He despaired. If he had only chosen hope rather than despair, he could have asked for forgiveness. In other words, he had chosen by his own will not to learn. Punishment is not so much what God does to us. It is what we choose. CatholicView: Fr Amaro, is not God Himself responsible for what we do if He knows what choices we will make? Fr Amaro: Not at all. He has opened every door. Even if we should suffer martyrdom in this life, we know that it is a small price to pay when compared to eternal life and glory we shall see. Too often we confine our lives to a now of time and space. If we are living the kingdom, weve already started our eternal walk with Him. Even our choices are uneducated in many circumstances, we learn from them and continue our conversion process. We learn to appreciate more and more what God has in store for us when we are free from our imperfections. CatholicView: If God created us with full knowledge of each action we will take, does this knowledge take away our Free Will? Fr Amaro: No. Again look at the metaphysical reality of all of this. God has full knowledge but He left the choice to us. Remember the time and space concept. CatholicView: Fr Amaro, would you say that God determines our choices if only through conscience? Fr Amaro: We are the ones who determine our choices. God has provided the initial environment. We have added to it through our virtue or vice as a social people. How we act in that environment is by our own choice. Remember, predestination is provided for us. We have the choice to participate or not. CatholicView: Some say our actions are also determined by our backgrounds. How does this figure in the scheme of Free Will? Fr Amaro: There is some truth to that. However, we cant use it as a cop out. We have the choice and opportunity to always improve on what weve experienced. Often we do not use those gifts of the Holy Spirit that we speak about through our Sacrament of Confirmation. We can be like the person who is abused by an adult and then marries an abusive person because thats what were accustomed to or we can look for something new or find something different. We do have a choice. Before I was a priest, I was a nightclub entertainer. I remember how I used to cringe every time someone would request the song Feelings. Yes, it is psychologically unhealthy to deny feelings. They are perfectly human. But we act on our ability to think! It is sometimes difficult to understand this the way people speak today. I feel this way Feelings come and go and are unreliable for growth. Change takes a decision. Thoughts and convictions are a lot more stable. Although we might have a response of feelings in a given situation, we rise above those feelings and use our heads. It is then that we respond with a real understanding of growth and forgiveness. People act on what they know. If they know only feelings, they reduce who they are as human beings to that of the animal mentality. This is not to say that the knowledge provided by our backgrounds is fully functional. We are in a constant state of growth. Our knowledge increases every day. We willfully act on that knowledge and our interest in learning more.