Bernard - Publisher

How many of us know the power and love of
God? Some are saying that their lives are their
own, hanging on as if they are in control with no
need to follow our Lord or defend themselves.
But those of us who are believers know that
without God, we are nothing.
Many of us do not doubt that our heavenly
Father will give us a promise that one day we
will be living a brand new life with God that will
last forever. God promises that if we follow the
road to Heaven, the Gates of Heaven will open
wide and our Jesus will be smiling with open
arms, and HE will take us to our Heavenly
Father in glory.
Believe that HE will never leave us, Always
know this earth is not our home and God tells
us that He will give us eternal life where we will
live forever.
WHEN we are suffering or wrestling with life's
problems, He will send us comfort in big and
small ways to let us know that He loves each
and everyone one of us. Go to God in prayer.
Believe that He is always with us.
JESUS Christ, Who gave His life for us, will
stand waiting for us at that Golden Gate of
Heaven with love in His eyes, and He will smile
in joy. He will gather us in His arms and take us
to His Heavenly Father in Glory.
BE vigilant, for we do not know when we will be
called to our eternal home. Remember that for
those who do believe, the Holy Spirit is there to
guide and help us to stay clear of all things that
displeases God. We are not on this earth for a
perfect life but to prepare ourselves for eternity.
Know our present life is an imperfect one at
best. God does not want us unhappy here but
this is just a “pass through" to our eternal home
where there are no more worries, no more
suffering, and no more tears and no growing old,
no fears, no more dying or any of the frightening
things we earthly beings face.
ARE we really free as Christians? Yes, we are,
for we are free to change our lives and those we
love with prayer. We are free to choose eternity
with God rather than Hell. We are free to enjoy,
to go on knowing that God takes up our heavy
burdens and make them light. Without fear, He
will protect us. We are indeed free!
IN the total sense of God's mercy, understand
that faith makes us free from the uncertainties of
this life. Our God sets us free from the shackles
of hell and it's damnation; free to enjoy the
coming rewards of Heaven and the freedom of
eternal life.
SO, how will you use the “Free Will" God gives
us? Will you choose it for wrongdoing or
evilness? Know God will be our strength and
our fortress.
Let's go forth with confidence and
with JOY, With confidence for the world, one
day our Lord will take us home where we will live
forever. One day we will live the eternal life that
God promises to all who believe Him.
Let us go forth with confidence and joy! God will
bolster us, and help us to keep our eyes fixed on
the main goal Who is GOD, our Father!
Thanks be to our Heavenly God and His
Precious Son, Jesus Christ!!!