PAID IN FULL Kathy Bernard -
do we claim eternal life? What makes us as sinners worthy to enter
God, having seen the wickedness of mankind, sent His Son Jesus
Christ to
die for us all, making us look, with clarity, at the sufferings
of Jesus Who served a purpose in the fulfillment of His
Law on our behalf. God accomplished this for our healing through the
cruel sacrifice of His precious Son.
heavenly Father fulfilled for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Without Jesus Christ, there would not be an eternal life for us
unworthy and sinful humans. Philippians 2: 7-8
reads "... He made himself nothing, taking the very
nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being
found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became
obedient to death -- even death on a cross!" For
unworthy us!
gave up His life willingly. Found in the Gospel of
St. John 19:29-30,
the Scripture reads,"knowing
that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture
would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am
thirsty.”A jar of wine
vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge
on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips.When He had received
the drink, Jesus said, “IT IS
FINISHED.” With that,
bowed His head and gave up His spirit.
When Jesus uttered these words, He was declaring that the debt
of sin owed to God was wiped away completely and forever. Jesus had
given up His earthly life so that mankind could receive the gift
of eternity. Jesus became the redemptive power to bear the sins of the
entire world. We find these words in the Gospel of St. John
19:30. Through the misery and insults He endured, He
had accomplished the salvation for mankind and opened the door
of God's Kingdom for all to enter.
Psalm 103:10-15 it reads: "He does not treat us as
our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. For
as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love
for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so
far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a
Father has compassion on His children, so the Lord has
compassion on those who fear Him; for He knows how we are
formed, He remembers that we are dust. The life of mortals is
like grass, they flourish like a
flower of the field;the
wind blows over it and it is gone,and its place remembers it
no more."What a
mighty God we serve!
how can we wash away our sins?
is the precious blood of Jesus Christ that cleanses us,
washing away our sins. Without this sacrifice of cruel death, we would not be able to
enter God's perfect Heaven. The sufferings of Christ on
mankind's behalf is because He loved us that much. Romans 3:
23-26 tells us "all
have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,and all are justified freely by His
grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.God presented Christ as a
sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be
received by faith. He did this to demonstrate His righteousness,
because in His forbearance He had left the sins committed
beforehand unpunished." And
again in Romans 6:23: "The
wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord"
the acceptance of the gift Jesus holds out to all who believe in
Him we become a new person. If we ask Him to forgive us for our
sins and our trespasses, we become renewed. Remember, our
Heavenly Father, through His love for us, did what we could not
do for ourselves: Romans 6:23 explains, "God so loved the world
that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus took our
sins upon His shoulders and through His death, gives us the
opportunity to believe in Him, have faith in Him, and lay all
our sins at the "foot of the cross" by asking for the
forgiveness of our unrighteousness. He will take these sins you
bring to Him and remember them no more, providing we repent of
our sins.
things of this world are not eternal. They only satisfy us for
a short time, and many of us do not realize that this earthly
pursuit of sinful actions can only leave us hungry, for we have
taken a few steps away from our Lord. This earthly pursuit that
we try to embrace will leave us wanting and it is only when we
stop and pray, letting the Holy Spirit remind us that all we
need is Jesus and only He can fill our needs.. No matter what
we embrace and cling to here, we will not be able take it with
us when we die.
yourselves, is
your faith strong enough to turn away from sin? Do you act
on what you believe as a Christian? When
earthly temptations come to us, remember the cross and the price
our Savior paid for you and for me.
Jesus Christ, I am nothing. I am an unpolished stone along the sidewalk
of life without luster or shine. A half written song. A book
with no ending. An unfinished person without hope of redemption
or eternal life. If He were not in my life I would plod my way
through endless circles seeking what I could not find on this
earth such as peace and solace, hope and comfort, help and
identity. A sad being with a seemingly disposable life.
I have Jesus in my life, I know He is always there through every
facet of my stay on this earth. Through the sorrows human
existence gives as well as the pleasures. Through the barriers
and obstacles faced and the successes achieved, He is there to
applaud every effort. He is there when I worry about things
happening to me, my hope when I think I cannot get something I
need, my friend when I am friendless, my confidante when I want
to confide, my protector when I am frightened. He calms me,
makes me understand when I am wrong, makes me strong under
adverse conditions and speaks to my soul when I need to hear His
guidance. He is my mighty fortress against my enemies. And He
holds the key for the door to His Eternal Kingdom. Yes, He is the center and
the joy of my life.
is a scripture where Jesus speaks to John inRevelation
1:18: "I am He that liveth, and
was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have
the keys of hell and of death."
Savior, Jesus
Christ has broken the chains of death and rose triumphant from
the grave. As we shall when He comes to take us to the
“Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none
other name under heaven given among men, whereby
we must be saved.” - Acts 4:12 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition
Piano & instrumental - Tammi Yates - Piano
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
There's just something about that Name.
Master, Savior, Jesus,
Like the fragrance after the rain.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
Let all heaven and earth proclaim,
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away,
But there's something about that Name.
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